Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heartbeat City

Where you been darling, darling?

As you magnificently observant blog readers may have noticed, I changed my banner picture. Feel it more accurately represents my personality. Yes, that is correct, I am a murderous psycho-bitch. Take it as it be.

This was the most fantastic weekend of my life. It was the first time I had ever stayed home alone. No, I did not throw a crazy party of the year and have giant orgies. I had my two best friends over and we hung out. And it was the best time I had in a very long time. 

Now I have to look forward to school tomorrow. Ew. But hey, it's life. I got a pretty great weekend. And you sorta got to pay for the great things with making it through the crappy things. 

Friday is Halloween at my school. How would you describe Halloween at Orange County High School of the Arts? Hm. It's a holiday. Bigger than Christmas. Almost as cool as the last day when the seniors display that year's attempt of a senior prank (Class of 2010 still owns). I don't know how it is at normal high schools, but if you don't come dressed up on Halloween, you're considered the weird one. 

Rachael and I have a pretty good idea this year, if I may say so myself. I don't know if we're ever going to actually get it done, considering the fact that we need to have this stuff ready for Friday and we don't have anything we need. I think we're going to this "Halloween Mega Store" that opened up where Circuit City used to be. 

Does anyone know where you can find a top hat?

Okay... Quick music change on the iPod... Now a subject change. Italy is literally calling my name. I'm definitely going over winter break... Unfortuanetly, I don't think Rachael is going to be able to go with me. But once I get a job this summer I'll make sure the two of us are saving up money and maybe the two of us could go after we graduate.

Yes, I wrote that whole thing as if I was talking to Rachael. Prosibly because she's basically the only person that actually reads my blog. And I doubt anyone would contest that.

Okay, I'm getting the Sunday Night Sleepies... I'm going to go lay down and do... something. Eat ice cream. Drink water. I don't know. Sunday Night Sleepy things. 


*No photo ending today... Blogger is being moody. Stupid women.*

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kiss With Open Eyes

Well, today was actually pretty good. I mean, I had fun at school. I know, shocking.

It's a blue day, an easy day, but the thing is I feel accomplished today... I took a much needed nap, finally grasped the concept we're working on in math (almost), and actually made a cylinder on the wheel in ceramics, blindfolded.

It didn't rain nearly enough today- I love the rain. Running in the rain, catching drops on your tounge, or just enjoy the way the cool water runs through my hair down my nose. Maybe if I lived in a rainy place, I wouldn't like the rain as nearly as much as I do, but living in so-Cal, we don't get too much of these storms. And when they do come, it's usually a complete mess (landslides, flooding, car accidents). But for some reason this storm has just been good. There hasn't really been any severe floods, and no landslides because we skipped over fire season. Car accidents is another thing.

Here's a little bit of information about Californians- We're not used to weather, period. When it rains in California, there are three types of people on the freeways: the people who don't know what they're doing and drive too slow, people that don't know what they're doing that drive too fast, and people that do know what they're doing and can drive at the right speed without killing anyone. You just have to adjust.

Oh, one last thing about rain. There's always been something I've wanted to do when it rains, but in my sixteen years of life I have never had the opportunity to experience it; I want to kiss in the rain. *Hint Hint Hint*

Ahem. Anyways. This week just hasn't been bad. I've had some pretty great times with the people I really like and I'm really looking forward to a weekend with the people I really like.

Well, I can't really think of what else to write. About a minute ago I had this idea, but now I can't remember what it was. So I'm going to surf the web a bit longer, maybe make it known to my Facebook friends that "poop" has five different definitions??

Alrighty then.


Not my photo- But beautiful indeed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Everybody needs a little song...

I don't know if you'll like my taste in music... But I feel you should give everything a chance. Here's some suggestions:

(There's going to be repeats in artists)
(Listed in no particular order- just the order they came up on my iPod!!)

Tighten Up - The Black Keys
Reprise - Grizzly Bear
Don't to Do - Lissy Trullie
The Last Hour - Elliott Smith
The Equaliser - Clinic
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Too Afraid to Love You - The Black Keys
Mi Viejo - Ratatat
Sun Hands - Local Natives
Factory - Band of Horses
Hollywood Bowl - Band of Skulls

While compiling this list, I've decided that once or twice a week I will make a music post, based on a certain theme, mood, or whatever. The songs above are random but they're all pretty fun, I think.

Any suggestions? Go ahead and let me know!! (Comment)


Sunday, October 17, 2010


In about a month and a half, I will be in Italy. Prosibly with my best friend.

Definition of Prosible/Prosibly: (adj.) A combination of the words "probable" and "possibly", meaning that an event or situation is slightly more than probably and slightly less than possible.

(Don't ask, it doesn't make any sense to me either.)(Rachael made it up. Pure brilliance!)

Yes, that is correct. I will definitely be in my favorite country prosibly with my favorite person very very soon.
You have absolutely no idea how excited this makes me.

Every day now is going to be a reminder of how this will be the best Christmas break ever. I don't know how I'm going to be able to stay there for only about ten days... I mean, we're talking about the place I want to live, here!! This will be my first time out of the country ever. I'm super excited to see what people in other countries are like... You can get a taste of other nationalities in America, but I bet it's nothing compared to actually being in another country.

Hmm. I just realized I've said "excited" an awful lot. Sorry, I just don't know what other words to use.

I'm manipulating my insomnia into a writers tool- I'm trying to pull something creative out of my butt.

Not... Literally...

So it's pretty late now, at least for me. I usually go to bed on weekdays between nine and ten. But for some reason, I just can't sleep tonight. Maybe it's because I just right now realized I have two assignments due tomorrow. Fantastic. I'm going to go do those. Crappers. Good night!!


My beautiful best friend Rachael
She's a great model!

Foam Darts & Torn Tights

Yesterday I went to Target with my grandma & siblings. She bought us three foam dart guns (like Nerf guns- but the cheap generic brand kind.)

They are the first guns the three of us have ever had- our mom didn't want to encourage violence around the house, or maybe she just didn't want my sister shooting my brother in the head multiple times until he cried (which she has since done three times.) Needless to say, we were pretty excited. And we have engaged in two wars. We don't really have many darts- Devan and Nolan each get eight, I get nine - and that makes things a little complicated, but these stupid toys have really made my day, to be honest.

Here's my tactics: I keep my gun (and my darts) next to my bed, within reach. When my brother or sister come in uninvited, I shoot them. It works wonders. They stay away.

Second subject. I've recently become obsessed with wearing tights. Maybe it's pure laziness (it's almost winter... I don't want to shave my legs. But I still do. ?) but I like it because they're different. And you can basically wear them with anything- shorts, dresses, skirts, etc. Not really sure what else you could wear them with, but you get my jist.

Third and final subject; Music. I don't know if you've heard of the band Mumford and Sons, but if you haven't, you better break out your iTunes or Vuze or Limewire or whatever you use to get your music. Mumford and Sons is honestly one of the best bands right now. And their new album Sigh No More is absolutely orgasmic for a music lover. Unless you like country music. Then you just need to be shot.

If there's a way for me to embed music on here, someone let me know. I'd love to share!


Photo which has absolutely no relation whatsoever to this blog:

The "Happy Board" at school
(it's supposed to be made of things that make you happy)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hermit Crabs

Have you ever noticed the people that hide as a job?

And I don't mean under-cover cops or CIA agents... I mean people that hide, in the open, because they just don't know any way else to live.

Sometimes I feel like that. Like I'm hiding under someones nose (not a nice view.)

Theres this stupid little jar I have in my room.. It's a baby food jar, but it's empty (I don't have too many babies to feed.) I loathe the thing. Maybe because it reminds me some much of myself.

It's there. I can see it. I can feel it it my hands. If it were to be dropped, I would hear it hit the ground.

But I can see right through it. Like it's not even there at all. I can look past it and to what's behind it, be it my walls or my Buddha statues.

I'm going to put my rings in it tonight. I never take my rings off, but I don't want the jar to feel alone.

At least it will have something inside it.


this is me



Friday, October 15, 2010


dear world

this is how i discover you
through the viewfinder
it's always a bit easier
through the viewfinder

i'm hiding out because i can
and if i can't see you
i think you can see me

simple hide and seek
if only.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

C'era Una Volta

Sto cercando di imparare I'italiano. Cosi va qui nulla.

Carro Vorrei tu sapessi chi sei,

Non riesco a smettere di pensare a te. Quando si parla, continuo desiderano potrai dire qualcosa che voglio sentire. Ma invece, si scompare. Mi chiedo se dovrei dire qualcosa, dirti come mi sento. Ma, chi sto prendendo in giro? Non avrei ma il coraggio di farlo. E 'molto stupido di me, ma voglio essere più che amici. E io non sono sicuro, ma non credo che si sente lo stesso. Credo che l'unica cosa da fare adesso è aspettare e imparare. Potrei imparare che, proprio come flirtare con me, e io non so come avrei fatto che ... Ma posso sempre cercare di essere amici. Oh, come vorrei che tu potessi parlare italiano. 

Cordiali saluti,


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday (For Devan)

Eeek. What a boring title. Sorry, I'm stuck for an idea.

I'm up in my room on a Saturday (as you could probably guess) afternoon. I feel like I should be doing something but then again... Well, I guess I'm not going to.

To be honest, I've done a lot today. Not anything fun, I promise you. Cleaning cleaning cleaning.

I'm going to do some pilates once my step-dad goes to work... He's hogging the TV. I think I'll play some Wii Sports after that. But, for now, I'm laying on my bed (which is actually still the air mattress from the concert), listening to music, and hanging out with my sister.

Her birthday was on yesterday... My baby sister turned eight years old. Goodness. It's insanity, I swear. I look at her, all tall and lanky and beautiful, and I just don't understand where the years have gone. I used to sit with her on the rocker when she was younger, and read to her and sing to her and rock her to sleep. I used to sleep in her room with her on a mattress on the floor. I used to play house with her and dress up and paint her nails every Saturday. It's insane to think about that. We haven't had time to actually hang out with each other, one on one like that since I started high school. Three years ago. I mean, sure, we spend time together, like we are doing right now. But I look back on the times we were so close... And I just can't believe those times are gone.

I love my sister so much. I asked my mom, for years and years, for a little sister, and when I was eight I got exactly what I wanted. A beautiful little sister who idolized me. I even got lucky and got a little brother who makes everything a little more interesting.

My sister knows how to make my day and make me crazy. She knows me inside out. She knows where I hide things and she knows when I'm upset. She stands up for me when I get in trouble with our parents, and she's willing to try to sneak into my parents room and get my guitar for me when they take it away. We fight all the time, but there's nothing that makes me happier than her smile.

Basically, I love my sister. And even when we're screaming at each other, once we're done fighting I always remind her how much I love her and how I'll always be there for her.

So Devan, if you do end up reading this one day (what a trip that would be!) I hope that I've lived up to your expectations, and that you are happy and successful in your life. I'll always love you more than anything (Well, you and your brother) and if you ever need anything or you just need someone to talk to, know I'm there. Even if I'm not there. I am. I love you.


an old one, but this is from Devan's birthday last year